Tiramisu with Fresh Strawberries

In this page you find some variants of the original recipes

# 1- Variant of the original recipe “Tiramisu with Fresh Strawberries”

Cake tiramisù with jelly strawberry

Is possible to prepare the fresh strawberries with jelly and make a fantastic “cake tiramisù”.

This “cake tiramisù with jelly strawberry” is a great variant also for kids.


You can use the “jelly in powder”

  • 8 oz packet of flavoured jelly
  • 17 fl oz hot water
  • 17 fl oz cold water

Follow the instructions write on the packet

Make the jelly

Pour the packet of jelly powder into a large bowl and while whisking, add the hot water. Whisk until the powder has dissolved. Slowly add half of the cold water and whisk once more.

  1. Cut the fresh strawberries in thin slice
  2. Cover the molds with plastic wrap
  3. Put the strawberries on the bottom and add the jelly untill the strawberries will be covered.
  4. Put in freezer for 5 minutes
  5. Proceed to make the tiramisù with the layers (sponge ckae, cream, sponge cake…)
  6. Chill
  7. Place the “jelly tiramisù” in the fridge and chill for 2-4 hours
  8. Pull out to turn upside down the mold and remove gently the plastic wrap

For make a Jelly you can use half part of water and half Limoncello
